Summer 2022 – Now Enrolling!
In-Person & Online Options for Grades K-12
This summer, students in grades K-12 are only limited by their imagination! Choose from over 400 IPSF classes with both online and in-person options to meet the needs of your family. Summer is the time to pursue interests, discover new passions, and brush up on fundamentals for the next school year.
Whatever your child’s interests, our goal is to create an environment for your child to learn, grow, and above all HAVE FUN!
Enrollment is now open or classes and camps for incoming K-12 students !
To continue to improve the user experience for our families, we are excited to share that IPSF has launched a new online enrollment system. For tips on setting up an account and a tour of all the new features, check out our Quick Start Guide.
*All users will need to create a parent/guardian account and student profile, even if you have taken classes with us in the past. Data from our old system will not be carried over.
Session A Classes: June 13 – July 1 (in-person & online)
Session B Classes: July 11 – July 29 (in-person only)
1-week camps available for additional dates
Incoming Grades K-6
Avoid the summer brain drain with a wide range of academic and enrichment classes! Help your student get ready for the next school year with grade-specific prep classes, go back to the basics with our fundamentals series, or focus on fun with enrichment classes. Classes are designed to ensure every student is engaged and getting the most out of their summer experience!

Middle School
Incoming Grades 7-8
Help ease the transition into middle school, or give your soon-to-be high school student a head start, with offerings in academic and elective-style classes. Classes are designed to make it possible for students to receive the intellectual and social engagement that is so important for middle schoolers.

High School
Incoming Grades 9-12
Classes in a variety of academic and enrichment classes will help prepare high school students for the upcoming school year and beyond. Students can get a jump-start on math for the coming year, prepare for ACT and SAT, or explore interest-based classes to develop real world skills.

K-8 In-Person
Whether your child is gearing up for next school year with grade level prep, test driving a career in programming with an app builder class, or cultivating their inner foodie with a culinary class, they are guaranteed to have a blast!
Two periods of in-person classes are offered per day. Choose from morning, afternoon, or enroll in both for a full day of fun.
Session A: June 13 – July 1
Session B: July 11 – July 29
Classes meet daily, Monday – Friday
Period 1: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Period 2: 12:15 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Period 1: 8:45 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Period 2: 10:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Incoming Grades K-8:
Beacon Park
Stone Creek
Rancho MS*
Sierra Vista MS
*select classes for 8th grade students only

K-8 Online
With online classes, the possibilities are endless! Classes are offered in a wide array of subjects, from grade prep to coding, all taught in an interactive and engaging online format. Classes will be held live online for 90 minutes daily, Monday – Friday and limited to small groups in order to provide individualized attention and a positive online experience for all participants. Two periods per day are available with the flexibility to enroll in any or all classes that fit with your schedule.
June 13 – July 1
Classes meet live daily, Monday – Friday
Period 1: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Period 2: 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

High School In-Person
Two sessions of in-person classes provide students with opportunities to get prepped for the coming school year and explore interests beyond the classroom. Classes meet daily for one 3.5 hour period per day.
Session A: June 13 – July 1
Session B: July 11 – July 29
Classes meet daily, Monday – Friday, unless otherwise noted
8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Rancho San Joaquin MS
High School Online
Classes in a variety of academic and enrichment classes will help prepare high school students for the upcoming school year and beyond. Three periods per day are available with the flexibility to enroll in any or all classes that fit with your schedule.
Session A: June 13 – July 1
Classes meet daily, Monday – Friday, unless otherwise noted
Period 1: 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Period 2: 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
Period 3: 1:15 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.

1-Week Camps for Real Life Fun
Pre-K – High School
Specialty Camps are one week in length, giving families more flexibility to participate in immersive enrichment opportunities that fit your busy summer schedule. All Specialty Camps are in-person, and held at various sites throughout Irvine. Please note the dates and locations for these classes, as they are held outside of the Session A & B format.
Arts & Design Camps (Grades 7-12)
U.S. Arts & Design Irvine
July 25 – 29
August 1 – 5
August 8 – 12
Classes meet Monday – Friday for one week (total of 5 meetings)
Class Time:
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Classes Offered:
Introductory Illustration
Painting Fundamentals
Painting Nature
Product Design for Beginners
Note: Not all classes are offered each week. For schedules, class descriptions and pricing, please Explore Classes and Camps.
Coding Camps (Grades 3-6)
Code Ninjas
August 1 – 5
August 8 – 12
Classes meet Monday – Friday for one week (total of 5 meetings)
Class Time:
8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Classes Offered:
3D Design and Print
Program and Play in Python
Roblox Create
Game Builder’s Club
Note: Not all classes are offered each week. For schedules, class descriptions and pricing, please Explore Classes and Camps.
Fine Arts Camps (Grades K-6)
The Artist Lab
July 25 – 29
August 1 – 5
August 8 – 12
Classes meet Monday – Friday for one week (total of 5 meetings)
Class Time:
9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Classes Offered:
2D Animation with Lightbox
Cartoon Design + Sculpting
Creative Fine Art
Drawing and Painting with Art History
Fashion Design with Sewing Machine
Little Fashion Creators
Storybook Creators
Note: Not all classes are offered each week. For schedules, class descriptions and pricing, please Explore Classes and Camps.
Innovation Camps (Grades PK-10)
College Park Elementary School
Portola Springs Elementary School
June 20 – 24
June 27 – July 1
July 5 – 8
July 11 – 15
July 18 – 22
July 25 – 29
Classes meet Monday – Friday for one week (total of 5 meetings)
Class Time:
9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Classes Offered:
Camp Galileo: Castle Quest
Camp Galileo: Dinosaur Dig
Camp Galileo: Amusement Park Adventure
For schedules, class descriptions and to register, please visit
Leadership and Martial Arts Camp (Grades 9-12)
Budo Accelerator
July 11 – July 29
Class Time:
10:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
Classes Offered:
Aikido Leadership Academy
For schedules, class descriptions and to register, please visit
Rock Band Camp (Grades 7-12)
Sierra Vista MS
July 11-15
Classes meet Monday – Friday for one week (total of 5 meetings)
Class Time:
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Classes Offered:
Rock Band Camp
Note: Not all classes are offered each week. For schedules, class descriptions and pricing, please Browse Classes and Camps.
STEAM Camps (Grades 1-6)
Brywood Elementary
July 18 – 22
July 25 – 29
Classes meet Monday – Friday for one week (total of 5 meetings)
Class Time:
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Classes Offered:
Create Your Own Carnival STEAM Camp
Entrepreneur STEAM Camp
Inventor Week STEAM Camp
STEAM + Creativity Space Camp
Note: Not all classes are offered each week. For schedules, class descriptions and pricing, please Explore Classes and Camps.
Frequently Asked Questions

See below for answers to frequently asked questions, and please contact us if you have additional questions or concerns. We look forward to seeing you this summer!
Click + to expand
How do I enroll my child in classes?
To continue to improve the user experience for our families, we are excited to share that IPSF has launched a new online enrollment system. For a tour of all the new features, check out our Quick Start Guide. We encourage you to take a moment to complete these three easy steps to ensure that you are ready to register when classes open:
– Create Account in our new online enrollment system
– Manage Students to add a student to your profile (required for registration)
– Browse and favorite classes so they are handy when registration opens on April 13
All users will need to create a parent/guardian account and student profile, even if you have taken classes with us in the past. Data from our old system will not be carried over.
Are you offering in-person and online classes?
While the focus will be on offering in-person classes, we will continue to offer a select number of online classes.
Can students outside of Irvine enroll in IPSF Summer classes and camps?
Students who fit our age and grade requirements may attend in-person or online classes, no matter where they live. A non-refundable registration fee is assessed at the time of registration for out-of-state and international students.
If I enroll in morning and afternoon classes, is there a lunch break?
How do I change or cancel a class?
Please see our Class Change and Cancellation Policy for instructions and deadlines.
What are IPSF’s COVID procedures?
We are constantly monitoring the state and local COVID-19 restrictions, and understand that circumstances will continue to evolve. The policies and guidelines on this page have been developed with the information that we have at this time and will be updated as needed. We have all learned to be flexible, and appreciate your patience and partnership as we navigate the future together!
In accordance with district guidelines, IPSF will not require masking indoors, regardless of vaccination status, for all staff, teachers, students, and parents during classes and camps. Masks are strongly recommended per the latest guidelines from California Department of Public Health. Students are not required to provide proof of vaccination status. Thank you for your cooperation in ensuring the health and safety of our students and staff.
General COVID prevention policies in place include:
- Encourage routine handwashing and surface cleaning
- Hand sanitizer and tissues available in all classrooms
- Sanitizing any shared materials after each use
- Professional surface cleaning done at the end of each class
- Non-essential visitors will not be allowed on campus
- In-person program will have COVID protocols in the event of a positive case
- COVID testing will not be provided by IPSF
What if my class gets cancelled?
If in-person classes can no longer be held, classes will transition to an online format during the same scheduled times if possible. Classes cancelled by IPSF prior to the start of the program will be refunded in full.
Are scholarships available this summer?
Yes, scholarships are available for both online and in-person classes for those who qualify. Please complete the Scholarship Application and return before May 13, 2022 to be considered.